『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』の前日譚シリーズ『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン(原題:House of the Dragon)』の配信を目前に控え、米Entertainment Weekly(以下EW)より新ドラマの独占特集記事が公開されました。スチル写真や撮影秘話、キャストインタビューなど初めて明らかになる、盛りだくさんの内容です。
- Burning down the House: How Game of Thrones enters a new age with House of the Dragon
- Breaking down 9 new photos from Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon
- Meet the Targaryens: House of the Dragon stars stun in EW's royal portrait gallery
- House of the Dragon creator explains the major change to House Velaryon
- House of the Dragon showrunners deconstruct the new Iron Throne design
- The wigs of Westeros: House of the Dragon stars discuss their hair game (of thrones)

EW YouTubeチャンネルより公開されている『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン』のキャストインタビューに日本語字幕をつけました。
- 1 Keeping up with the Targaryen(ターガリエンについて知ろう)
- 2 Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen(プリンセス・レイニラ・ターガリエン)
- 3 King Viserys I Targaryen(ヴィセーリス・ターガリエン 一世王)
- 4 Prince Daemon Targaryen(プリンス・デイモン・ターガリエン)
- 5 House Hightower(ハイタワー家)
- 6 Alicent Hightower(アリセント・ハイタワー)
- 7 Otto Hightower(オットー・ハイタワー)
- 8 House Velaryon(ヴェラリオン家)
- 9 Lord Corlys Velaryon(コアリーズ・ヴェラリオン公)
- 10 Princess Rhaenys Targaryen(プリンセス・レイニス・ターガリエン)
- 11 The Great Council of Harrenhal(ハレンホールの大評議会)
- 12 BFFs(“ずっと友達だよ”)
- 13 A seat fit for a queen(女王のための玉座)
- 14 Farther knows best(パパはなんでも知ってる)
- 15 The brother(弟)
- 16 Tourneys ! Lots of 'em !(トーナメント!盛りだくさん!)
- 17 Waking the dragons(ドラゴンの目覚め)
- 18 Rulers of the deep(深海の支配者たち)
- 19 If you know, you know(知る人ぞ知る)
Keeping up with the Targaryen(ターガリエンについて知ろう)
Keeping up with the Targaryen
Welcome back to Westeros, though this isn't the same medieval land of dire wolves and white walkers you may remember. HBO is going back 200 years before the events of its Emmy-winning fantasy sensation Game of Thrones with House of the Dragon, the new prequel series coming Aug. 21. There, we'll find ourselves at the height of Targaryen rule in Westeros, a time of great decadence, wealth, peace, and, of course, dragons. It's also the calm before a great storm comes to tear it all down: the Dance of the Dragons, a gruesome civil war that breaks out amongst the thriving House Targaryen over — what else? — succession of the Iron Throne.
Before another game (of thrones) commences, get to know some of the drama's main players who grace EW's exclusive portrait gallery shot by photographer Nadav Kander. And find out more about the new series in our exclusive cover story.
『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン』では、『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』の約200年前に勃発したターガリエン家の内乱、その名は〈双竜の舞踏(the Dance of the Dragons)〉が描かれます。ドラマの概要は下の記事でまとめています(基本的にネタバレなしです)。
HBOの大ヒット海外ドラマ『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』の前日譚スピンオフシリーズ『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン(原題:House of the Dragon)』が、日本時間8月22日からU-NEXTで見 ...
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen(プリンセス・レイニラ・ターガリエン)
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
According to showrunners Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, Emma D'Arcy's Princess Rhaenyra is the most important role in the series.
While most young girls were perfecting their needlework, Rhaenyra was serving as cup-bearer for her father, King Viserys I (Paddy Considine), and riding her dragon Syrax at an early age. (Aussie actress Milly Alcock will portray a younger Rhaenyra at the start of House of the Dragon.) Viserys names his daughter as the next ruler, but the matter becomes complicated when the king conceives a male heir, splitting the historic House in two over the matter of succession.
"She is someone who's pushing at the edges of womanhood and has a really decisive, interrogative eye for how gender affects power, affects how one may occupy space, affects even the right to construct one's life," D'Arcy, who uses they/them pronouns, tells EW. "She is a person who feels at odds with the way that she is read by the world... It's like she has a doppelgänger," they add. "The doppelgänger is Rhaenyra born male, who has access to all the things that she craves and feels to be hers."
- ヤング⇒ミリー・オールコック
- オールド⇒エマ・ダーシー
『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』前日譚スピンオフドラマ第1弾『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン(原題:House of the Dragon)』に新キャスト2名が加わりました。HBO公式発表です! そして新キャ ...
King Viserys I Targaryen(ヴィセーリス・ターガリエン 一世王)
King Viserys I Targaryen
This Viserys is nothing like the Viserys Game of Thrones introduced in that first episode in 2011.
King Viserys I has helped maintain an age of peace in Westeros that has collectively lasted for more than 70 years. But that's not entirely a good thing. Viserys is the kind of ruler who doesn't like to ruffle feathers, including those in his own family.
"The mantra we had for him was that he's a good man, bad king, because he just wants to please people and keep the peace," Considine, known for The World's End and The Outsider, says. "But also, Viserys has an ego. He's got a great tragedy in his life, but there's a part of him that's going, 'How am I going to be remembered in hundreds of years?' They don't remember peaceful kings. They don't remember good people. They remember warriors. They remember tyrants."
ヴィセーリス・ターガリエン 一世王
「彼は良い人だが、悪い王。なぜなら、彼は人々を喜ばせ、平和を維持したいだけだから。これが私たちが彼に与えた信念だ。」と、『ワールズ・エンド』や『アウトサイダー』で知られるパディ・コンシダインは語る。「でも、ヴィセーリスにはエゴがある。彼の人生には大きな悲劇があったが、彼の中には 「何百年後に自分はどう記憶されるのだろうか? 」 と考えている部分がある。平和な王は覚えてもらえない。善人も覚えていない。歴史で覚えられるのは、戦士や暴君なんだ。」
Prince Daemon Targaryen(プリンス・デイモン・ターガリエン)
Prince Daemon Targaryen
They say in Westeros that each time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land. Actor Matt Smith says Prince Daemon's coin is still flipping.
Brother of King Viserys, Daemon is one of the more volatile Targaryens. He's a tremendous fighter who wields Dark Sister, one of two ancestral Valyrian steel blades of House Targaryen; he serves on the Small Council as Commander of the City Watch; and he rides the ferocious dragon Caraxes. Daemon's closest confidante is Mysaria (Sonoya Mizuno), a prostitute in the local brothel.
He's also another potential heir to the Iron Throne. Some, specifically the Hand of the King (Rhys Ifans), fear Daemon could become another Targaryen tyrant should he be named successor. "He's always flipping sides in many ways, aligning himself with his brother or his own [interests]," Smith remarks. "But I don't think it's about an ambition to the throne and all that. I think a lot of it is about his brother."
元々はエイゴン征服王の姉であるヴィセーニア・ターガリエンが所有しており、 #ゲームオブスローンズ S2Ep7「義なき男」の中でアリアとタイウィンの会話に出てきます。(2/2) pic.twitter.com/pU10nFdXSA— GameOfThronesJP (@GameOfThronesJP) June 1, 2021
そしてターガリエンの紋章のドラゴンが2本ではなく4本足に変更されています(#ゲームオブスローンズ の時は2本足)。↓ pic.twitter.com/P7YUDMzY1o— GameOfThronesJP (@GameOfThronesJP) October 7, 2021
House Hightower(ハイタワー家)
House Hightower
Two characters who prove crucial in the events of the Dance of the Dragons hail from House Hightower, one of the oldest, richest, and most powerful Houses in Westeros — below the Targaryens, of course. Their ancestral seat lies in Oldtown, home of the maesters of the Citadel, which House Hightower was instrumental in founding.
Ifan's Otto Hightower serves as Hand of the King, a position he's held for multiple rulers, and his daughter Alicent Hightower (Olivia Cooke) is described as one of the most comely women in the kingdom. (Emily Carey will play a younger version of Alicent on House of the Dragon.)
"I'd say they are traditional, academically educated in a way that the other Houses possibly aren't," says Ifans. "Conservative. Good to have on your side because of their knowledge and their wealth and their power."
"Incredibly patriotic, as well," Cooke adds.
Alicent Hightower(アリセント・ハイタワー)
Alicent Hightower
The events leading up to the Dance of the Dragons leans heavily on the perspectives of Princess Rhaenyra and Alicent Hightower, from their seemingly unbreakable childhood friendship through the bloody conflict that plagues their kingdom as adults.
Alicent comes across in author George R.R. Martin's book Fire and Blood as a schemer, someone actively pulling the strings from the shadows. But both Carey and Cooke point out that history, especially one that is told and shaped by men, doesn't always get the facts right about women.
Cooke describes Alicent as "quite an anxious rule-follower" when compared to the "free and mischievous" Rhaenyra. "When you realize that you haven't been nurtured in the way that Rhaenyra has — her best friend that she's seen grow up, have everything given to her, and had the unbridled love of her father — that is a real tough pill to swallow."
アリセントは、原作者ジョージ・R・R・マーティンによる原作『Fire and Blood』(日本語版『炎と血』)によると、策士、つまり影から積極的に糸を引く人物として登場する。しかし、キャリーもクックも、歴史、特に男性によって語られ形成された歴史は、女性について必ずしも正しい事実を伝えていないことを指摘している。
「原作『Fire and Blood』(日本語版『炎と血』)によると、〜(中略)〜歴史、特に男性によって語られ形成された歴史は、女性について必ずしも正しい事実を伝えていない」
『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン』の原作『Fire and Blood(炎と血)』はターガリエン家の歴史をつづった年代記。
※日本語訳『炎と血』は二分冊。『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン』のメインストーリー〈双竜の舞踏(the Dance of the Dragons)〉は「Ⅱ」に収録されています。
Otto Hightower(オットー・ハイタワー)
Otto Hightower
Otto Hightower, whether intentionally or not, gives off some major Littlefinger vibes (Aidan Gillen's character from Game of Thrones). Ifans calls Otto an "astute, high-functioning political creature" who "knows the machinations of this court better than anyone."
"He's kind of his own CCTV system, in terms of knowledge of what's going on at any place with whom at any time," explains the actor, who recently returned as Dr. Curt Connors/Lizard in Spider-Man: No Way Home. "He's ruthless, but he struggles with some of the decisions he is forced to make as Hand of the King."
Ifans, himself, couldn't be further from this character. "There have been times where I've been in absolute agony trying not to laugh because Rhys had said something before they said action," Cooke admits.
House Velaryon(ヴェラリオン家)
House Velaryon
The seafarers of House Velaryon count themselves among an ancient House of Westeros that fans of Game of Thrones have largely heard of by name alone. House of the Dragon will show them at their prime.
The Hightowers may be rich, but the Velaryons are richer. Lord Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint) made it so. Dubbed the Sea Snake after his famous ship, Corlys traversed farther than any other Westeros explorer in his young age, bringing back the rarest of treasures to richen his House.
The Velaryons were also crucial in the Targaryen conquest of Westeros, which cemented their relationship. The Targaryens rule the skies, and the Velaryon fleet rules the seas.
Lord Corlys Velaryon(コアリーズ・ヴェラリオン公)
Lord Corlys Velaryon
Toussaint (Small Axe) doesn't mince words when describing Corlys: "No one wants to f--- with him... He knows he has power, and he knows [the Targaryens] need him."
According to Condal, virtually no one in Westeros has experienced war during the particular time in history we see at the start of House of the Dragon. The men have been trained for battle since birth, but battle — with the exception of minor skirmishes and tournaments here and there — never comes. Corlys is the rare outlier with battlefield preparedness. He feels more at home in the thick of war than on the king's Small Council.
"[War is] much simpler," Toussaint says. "If you don't do it right, you die. That's it. There's no gray area. But of course he has this huge ambition. This idea of legacy, it's a big deal for him."
The actor likens Corlys, also known as the Lord of the Tides, to Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance) from Game of Thrones. "Sea Snake is a father and wants what he thinks is the best for his children," he says. We all know how that worked out for Tywin.
トゥーサントは〈潮の主〉とも呼ばれるコアリーズを、『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』のタイウィン・ラニスター(チャールズ・ダンス)になぞらえている。「〈海蛇〉は父親であり、子供たちのために最善と思われることを望んでいる 」と彼は言う。それがタイウィンにどう働いたかは、みんな知っているだろう。
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen(プリンセス・レイニス・ターガリエン)
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
Actress Eve Best (Nurse Jackie, Fate: The Winx Saga) says the core of House of the Dragon is a line she recites as Princess Rhaenys Targaryen in the show's trailer: "Men would sooner put the realm to the torch than see a woman ascend the Iron Throne." She knows this all too well.
Rhaenys should have been named Queen of Westeros when the time came to choose King Jaehaerys Targaryen's successor back in the day. She had the strongest blood claim. However, a great council decreed that the Iron Throne could not be passed to a woman, nor through a woman to her male heirs. So her cousin, Viserys I, was chosen instead.
These days, Rhaenys, a dragonrider in her own right, enjoys her position as wife to Lord Corlys, though she's often referred to as "the Queen Who Never Was." "She's able to navigate this incredibly dense political environment with such finesse, calm, and effortless grace," Best says. "It's impossible to deny that underneath, there is this sword in her heart of that core wound, which is a combination of all kinds of things."
女優のイヴ・ベスト(『ナース・ジャッキー』『ウィンクス・サーガ: 宿命』)は『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン』の核心は予告編で彼女がプリンセス・レイニス・ターガリエンとして発するセリフにあるという。「男は領土を灰にしても 女に〈鉄の玉座〉を譲るまい」レイニスはこのことをよく理解している。
昔、ジェヘアリーズ・ターガリエン王の後継者を選ぶとき、レイニスはウェスタロスの女王になるはずだった。彼女には最も高順位な血統継承権があったのだ。しかし、大評議会は〈鉄の玉座〉を 女性に継承させないことと、女性の継承者を介して男性の継承者に相続させないことを決定した。それゆえ、レイニスのいとこであるヴィセーリス一世が代わりに選ばれたのである。
最近では、ドラゴンライダーであるレイニスはコアリーズ公の妻としてその地位を享受している。しかし彼女は時折〈戴冠せざりし女王〉と呼ばれることもある 。「彼女は、この驚くほど濃い政治環境を、繊細さと冷静さ、そして無理のない優雅さで切り抜けることができる 」とベストは言う。「その根底には、彼女の心の中にある、複雑に絡み合った核となるような“傷”という剣があることを否定することはできないわね。」
レイニスのセリフ「男は領土を灰にしても 女に〈鉄の玉座〉を譲るまい」は予告編第2弾から引用しされています。
The Great Council of Harrenhal(ハレンホールの大評議会)
The Great Council of Harrenhal
EW's exclusive look at HBO's House of the Dragon, the first successor show to the Emmy-winning Game of Thrones, comes with nine new photos from the prequel series. So let's jump right in.
Set hundreds of years before the time of Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), House of the Dragon dramatizes the events of the Dance of the Dragons. The name was given to one of the most devastating civil wars Westeros has ever seen that divided the great Targaryen empire at its height. The early seeds of this conflict were planted decades earlier with the Great Council of Harrenhal, seen in this first photo.
As King Jaehaerys Targaryen (seen in the center by way of actor Michael Carter) neared the end of his life, there were too many claimants to the Iron Throne. So the peaceful ruler assembled a council to determine succession. To the right is Princess Rhaenys Targaryen (Eve Best), flanked by her husband, Lord Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint) of House Velaryon. She had the most direct blood claim to the throne, but because she was a woman, the Council named King Viserys I Targaryen (Paddy Considine) the next Lord of the Seven Realms. (Viserys is seen on the left with his wife, Aemma Arryn.)
Eagle-eyed fans of author George R.R. Martin's books, especially Fire and Blood, will note King Jaehaerys wasn't actually present at the Great Council. There may be a reason for that. According to House of the Dragon co-showrunner and co-creator Ryan Condal, "The book is the subjective account [of Targaryen history] because of the nature of how it was written, which is one maester drawing from three different sources that did or did not witness the events that they were writing about. Sort of like the way the Bible was put together." The show, Condal adds, will be "the objective account."
Note: Aemma seems to be pregnant at the time of the Great Council. We'll get to her child shortly.
ドラゴンも登場!GOT前日譚ドラマ『House of the Dragon』予告編第2弾を分析してみた!
『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』前日譚スピンオフドラマ『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン(原題:House of the Dragon)』のキャラクターポスターと共に、新映像が公開されました! 昨 ...
The events of the Dance of the Dragons unfold over the course of years, according to Martin's books. "Our solution was that, for a very complex story, it required a simple structure, which meant a more linear passage of time," Condal tells EW. That means even though Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cooke are the leads of House of the Dragon as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Alicent Hightower, respectively, the show will first see actors Milly Alcock (right) and Emily Carey (left) play them as teens before the adult stars take over.
In her youth, Rhaenyra, daughter of King Viserys and Queen Aemma, served as her father's cup-bearer and rode the dragon Syrax. Her best friend was Alicent, who grew up in the Red Keep as the daughter of the Hand of the King.
"These two women are at once credited and also blamed with this particular war," Condal says of the coming Dance of the Dragons. "Because the history is written by men, we were really interested in the dynamic forces that a certain medieval level of innate chauvinism puts on the two women."
Note: To show just how different the world of Westeros was at this time in history, there appears to be a weirwood tree in King's Landing. We first saw one in the godswood of Winterfell back in Game of Thrones.
「二人は、この戦争において、功績を与えられたと同時に非難もされてきた人物だ 」とコンダルは来るべき〈双竜の舞踏〉について語る。「歴史は男性によって書かれているので、ある種の中世的な生来の排外主義が、この2人の女性にもどう影響を与えるのか、興味を持った。」
『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』前日譚スピンオフドラマ第1弾『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン(原題:House of the Dragon)』に新キャスト2名が加わりました。HBO公式発表です! そして新キャ ...
A seat fit for a queen(女王のための玉座)
A seat fit for a queen
The Iron Throne is quite different than the one we saw on Game of Thrones, though co-showrunner Miguel Sapochnik, who directed some of the most beloved episodes of the original, says you can still see the first one's basic design if you look closely.
This new look for House of the Dragon is closer to how Martin once described it in the pages of his books as a symbol of conquest forged by the surrendered swords of Aegon the Conqueror's defeated foes. It's also a symbol of the age. This is a time of decadence and great wealth — before things come crumbling down.
A young Rhaenyra is shown standing before the seat of power. Her father Viserys chooses her to succeed him as Queen of Westeros when the time comes. But there are forces that come into play — even that Great Council of Harrenhal — to complicate the matter.
Farther knows best(パパはなんでも知ってる)
Farther knows best
Cooke describes a young Alicent as being "hermetically sealed" in the castle with her father, Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans), the Hand of the King. As an "anxious rule-follower," the actress says she maintains an unyielding love for her dad, though it's not necessarily always reciprocated.
"He's an astute, high-functioning political creature," Ifans says of Otto. "He knows the machinations of this court better than anyone. He's kind of his own CCTV system, in terms of knowledge of what's going on at any place with whom at any time. He's ruthless, but he struggles with some of the decisions he is forced to make as Hand of the King."
There's one thing that's top of mind for Otto at the start of the series...
The brother(弟)
The brother
Otto does not want to see Prince Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith), brother to King Viserys and another heir to the throne, rule Westeros. A skilled warrior, Daemon isn't the most benevolent of the Targaryens, though he's close with his niece, Rhaenyra. He's seen here in full jousting armor, which bears a nod to his dragon, Caraxes, one of the most fearsome creatures at the Targaryens' disposal. Images of dragons also adorn his breastplate and collar.
Tourneys ! Lots of 'em !(トーナメント!盛りだくさん!)
Tourneys ! Lots of 'em !
This next photo sheds more light on a moment glimpsed in the House of the Dragon trailers: the handsome Ser Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel), a common-born swordsman of Dornish descent, battles Prince Daemon during a tourney event. Will his mace be able to overcome the Targaryen's Valyrian steel blade, Dark Sister?
Waking the dragons(ドラゴンの目覚め)
Waking the dragons
This time period saw the most amount of dragons roaming the skies of Westeros, and the fire breathers have become part of Targaryen culture. Some royals have ornate saddles for their winged beasts, while the egg hatching is of particular note. As Martin describes in Fire and Blood, newborn Targaryens are commonly laid into their cribs next to dragon eggs to help the bonding process should the creatures hatch. Smith's Prince Daemon is seen here holding one such egg.
Rulers of the deep(深海の支配者たち)
Rulers of the deep
There's probably a reason HBO is already in the early stages of making a Game of Thrones spin-off focused on Lord Corlys Velaryon, who will first be played by Steve Toussaint on House of the Dragon.
Corlys, nicknamed the Sea Snake after his famed ship, is the most well-known member of House Velaryon, the second wealthiest House in Westeros apart from the crown. The Targaryens rule the skies on dragonback and the Velaryons rule the seas with their fleet. "No one wants to f--- with him," Toussaint tells EW.
Despite his intimidating status, Corlys' heart lies with his wife, Best's Rhaenys Targaryen. She's dubbed "the Queen Who Never Was" due to the events of the Council of Harrenhal. "Sea Snake and his wife are the ones you most root for because they're actually about love," Toussaint says.
2022年7月現在、まだ制作は正式決定していませんが、コアリーズ・ヴェラリオンを主人公とするスピンオフドラマ『THE SEA SNAKE(仮題)』が企画の初期段階にあることが明らかになっています(『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン』と同じくスティーブ・トゥーサントがコアリーズを演じるかは不明)。
原作者ジョージ・R・R・マーティンが自身のブログNot A Blogで、企画段階にある『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』の前日譚シリーズのタイトルや制作者の名前などを明らかにしました。 さらには、「氷と炎の ...
If you know, you know(知る人ぞ知る)
If you know, you know
There are many layers to the Dance of the Dragons we won't get into to preserve the surprise for anyone who hasn't read a certain passage in Martin's Fire and Blood. Condal also confirms the producers are taking a more linear approach to the story, so it's fair to presume we won't get into some of the more notable events until a bit later in the season. But for those in the know, here's an image of what appears to be the moment that has become known as "eye for an eye."
Even if you don't know what that means, we finally see D'Arcy (left) and Cooke (right) portray Rhaenyra and Alicent as adults. There's lots more drama in store when House of the Dragon premieres on HBO this Aug. 21. As we know, Targaryens with their incestuous heritage are messy individuals.
For more on House of the Dragon, check out EW's exclusive cover story.
『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』の前日譚スピンオフドラマ『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン(原題:House of the Dragon)』は2022年8月22日からU-NEXTにて配信開始。
この記事では『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』の前日譚スピンオフドラマ『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン(原題:House of the Dragon)』について分かっていることをまとめています。 ...
HBOの大ヒット海外ドラマ『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』の前日譚スピンオフシリーズ『ハウス・オブ・ザ・ドラゴン(原題:House of the Dragon)』が、日本時間8月22日からU-NEXTで見 ...
#ゲームオブスローンズ 前日譚ドラマ #ハウスオブザドラゴン EP1の長さと配信開始時間が明らかになりました。
EP1の長さは「1時間6分」、配信スタートは米東部時間 8月21日 9:00pmなので「日本時間 8月22日(月) 10:00」。
日本独占配信のU-NEXTもおそらく10:00〜のはずです🔥🐉#HouseoftheDragon #HOTD pic.twitter.com/MKMUqdgTS7— GameOfThronesJP (@GameOfThronesJP) July 10, 2022